MAAA Schools Closure Extended To May 1 Due to COVID-19

(Mineral Area, MO) In a joint press release, the MAAA Schools have announced they have extended the school closures until May 1st.  The schools were originally set to remain closed until April 6th.

In the statement, the schools announced, "we have made the decision to extend school closures for all MAAA schools through Thursday, April 30. During this time, all school events, including extracurricular activities, competitions, clubs, field trips, ceremonies, parent meetings and committee meetings are postponed. This decision was made following President Donald Trump’s announcement on Sunday that he would extend federal social distancing guidelines to Thursday, April 30, and after consulting local health authorities."

"We know that extending closures will introduce further strain on our families, but we cannot ask our students to return to school before the spread of this disease has passed. We must safeguard the health of our families by making decisions that are in the best interest of our community. Over the past few weeks, we have been encouraged by the spirit and fortitude of our communities. We see you reaching out to help others, configuring meal services for those in need, continuing student learning in new and innovative ways, and strengthening our bonds by sharing our experiences. We see you, and we applaud you. We are making history, and this tenuous time will be remembered by how we respond, adapt, and overcome."

The statement went on to add, "we tentatively plan on welcoming students and staff back on Friday, May 1."

See the full statement here: