PSC Cold Weather Rule In Effect

(St. Francois County, MO.) The Missouri Public service commission's Cold Weather Rule is in effect through March 31st of 2020. The rule is designed to help customers with their heat related utility bills. According to a press release form the PSC the rule applies to natural gas and electric utilities under PSC jurisdiction that provide a heat related service. Municipally operated systems, cooperatives, and those that provide propane delivered by truck aren't under that jurisdiction. Under certain conditions the cold weather rule prohibits the disconnection of heat related services, provides more lenient payment terms, allows the budgeting of payments over a 12 month period, requires notification of shutoff and if there is possible financial help available, and allows for reconnection at a cost lower than the full amount owed. To sign up you must be 65 years of age or older, be disabled, and have a formal award letter of your disability from the government. If a customer is faced with a heat related utility bill that can't be paid in full they should contact the utility company tell them of the problem, provide income information, make a minimum payment, and enter into a payment agreement. For more information call the PSC's Consumer Services hotline at 1-800-392-4211.